Check in from time to time to find out what's new and exciting in the Promotionalmarketing world!


Greg Smith named to Advisory Committee

Greg Smith has been appointed to as a Citizen Member of the Town of Aurora Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee. This position is for a term of 4 years. Greg will be a liason between the citizens of Aurora and members of Town Council. See below for terms of reference for the committee.

Click here for Terms of Reference

Aurora Car Club

Proud Sponsors of the Aurora Car Club in Aurora, ON. The club meets Sunday evenings in the spring/summer at Canadian Tire in Aurora at Yonge ST/Edward ST.

Click here for more information on the Club

Develop a Promotional Plan

Here is a great document to help you plan your next promotion. Let one of our promotional specialists help you plan, execute and measure your next promotion.

Develop your Promotional Plan

Aurora Winter Blues Festival

We are a proud sponsor of York Region's only Blues Festival. The AWBF supports live music, giving youth a platform to show their musicianship. The festival attracts some of Canada's best blues acts. The festival raises money for local charities.

Aurora Winter Blues Festival Website

Elected Vice-Chair of Aurora Public Library Board

Greg Smith, President, of the Partnership Network Inc. has been elected Vice-Chair of the Board of the Aurora Public Library.
